Nick Butter 

Nick Butter
Nationality: UK

“I’m an ultra runner, explorer, and an adventure. I believe in leaving a legacy.

If I’m lucky enough to get to the point in life when I’m old and grey, chatting with my grandchildren I want to know I’ve explored every inch of the planet. I want to have exhausted every ounce of my potential, challenged myself beyond what is comprehensible and leave the planet knowing I did everything in my power to make the best use of my time; to love, to work hard, and to spend as little time as possible in the so-called comfort zone. I believe that it’s the crazy things, the things that no one is doing, and the things that we’re afraid to do… which are in fact exactly that which leaves a positive mark on the world.

I want to leave the world better than I found it. By exploring, being appreciative, pushing myself to my limits, and never sitting back and saying I’ve finished. This trip will hopefully inspire young minds, old minds, any minds; that we can all do our bit to value the time we have on this wonderful planet. Even if our ‘bit’ is just being grateful for today.

Tomorrow is a maybe, today is a privilege, let’s go make the most of today.”

“I worked for a long time as what I would call an office monkey. Someone that earns money by looking at a screen for a big company, moving some numbers around on a spreadsheet… That was me. Through various conversations and relationships with a number of key people in my life, I made the choice to step away from money, and into the world of sport and more specifically running. This has lead me to raise over £200,000 for charity and given me a much better sense of worth.”

“I’m usually wildly optimistic and positive with life, and that’s no different to my life goal. When I say life goal, I mean quite literally life goal. I fully intent to live to 125, in full health, laughing every day. Why not dream big; it’s my attitude with everything. The reality is that like most humans I’ll probably not reach 90.

You may know that along with running, and galavanting around the world, I am a speaker. I speak to schools, businesses, anyone who will listen really. I primarily speak about 3 topics with various tales of my running adventures thrown in. Time, courage, and failure. My aim is to inspire others to appreciate today and live with awareness of how lucky we are. Today I want to share with you one of my topics I discuss which is very close to my heart. Time.

Time is precious, valuable, and largely assumed. Us humans have a habit of taking tomorrow for granted. Most of our big dreams and plans wait until tomorrow. How often have you said, ‘I’d love to start my own business or I’d love to take the kids to …’ And as you may have already found in your own lives; tomorrow is often a recurring statement. And sadly for others tomorrow simple doesn’t happen.

The average human in Great Britain lives for just 29747 days. That’s about 81 years. My point when speaking about time is that although we can’t control when the sun rises, how high the mountains are, or what color the sky is: our world is beautiful and we have such a short time to explore it. It’s our duty to use our time on this glorious planet well, and important we must live with intent. Don’t just fumble through life waiting for tomorrow, today is 24 hours you’ll never have again.

If you are British and living in the U.K., the stats tell us that on average, we all watch 9 years worth of TV. That’s over 78,000 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good box set but come on. 9 years is just sad.

My philosophy in life is ‘Don’t count the days, make the days count’. And that’s exactly what I do. 

Personal Records:

5KM – 17:24

10KM – 36:35

10 Miles – 57:18

Half Marathon – 01:22:45

Marathon – 02:55:11

100KM – 09:32

100 Miles – 20:52

24 Hour – 138 Miles

48 Hour – 221 Miles


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