3000km in 365 days – Nick Butter 

London UK
Nick Butter
January 1, 2015
London, UK
December 31, 2015
Bristol, UK

“This challenge was about setting myself a sustainable goal, a long-term goal that I could chip away at, not something that would last 2 months and end. Before being able to take on any kind of world record attempt I needed to prove to myself I could sustain a long challenge. This was it.

Other than being fiercely competitive in school, I was a helpful child, I always wanted to help, and I still do and I think everyone has the thought in the back of their mind that by the time death comes knocking I want to be able to say ‘I achieved; I made an impact on the world, and I was a good person’. This for me was why running and raising a shed load of cash for charities seem to be a good start.

So a plan started to form in my mind. I could run for an entire year. Use the year to train, improve my fitness, improve my running, raise a load of money for charity, feel like I helped, and ultimately push towards the goal of holding a world record, exploring the world and meeting new people.

At this point I had no idea what that would consist of, but I had to start somewhere right. Plus, although I enjoyed running at school, I had no idea if this was possible, or if I was good enough. That’s the best kind of challenge I’m sure.

So October of 2014 the plan was formed. I had 365 days to run 3000km from Jan 1st 2015 till December 31st 2015. Every meter would be tracked through a running watch, recorded, so I could prove I did it… if I did it.”

Nick had a £10,000 charity target to raising funds for British Heart Foundation, VICTA and Cancer Research.
He kicked off his 365-day challenge with the London Winter 10K.

“By the time 2015 concluded I had completed my 3000km and even a few more. I had run 33 marathons, 11 Ultras, and ran the equivalent distance of 70 marathons. My fitness was at an all-time high and it was time to take on bigger challenges.
I ran over 3000km by taking part in numerous organized race events, including Barcelona, London, Liverpool, Helsinki, and Athens Marathons to name but a few. (39 marathons in total), plus several tough 100km + ultra marathons. The remainder of the distance was covered through long training runs and smaller half marathon events throughout the year.

New Years’ eve 2015 I ran my last marathon of the year. No special event, but a simple, peaceful and thoughtful run around rainy Bristol.”
Now it was time to get ready for his World record attempt!

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas

3000km in 365 days – Nick Butter


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