Athletic and Cultural Club Athenian Runners (ATHINAIOI DROMEIS)

Athletic and Cultural Club Athenian Runners (ATHINAIOI DROMEIS)

The Authentic Phidippides Run, one of the most extreme and demanding races in Greece celebrates Pheidippides’ heroic run from Athens to Sparta within 36 hours back in 490 BC.

The race has been organized yearly since 2015 and follows Pheidippes’ 490K route Athens-Sparta-Athens.

The race is organized by the Athletic and Cultural Club Athenian Runners (ATHINAIOI DROMEIS) in close collaboration with FAOS Mountaineering Club and follows the same route as the Spartathlon, but then goes back to Athens again.

Copyrights: Athletic and Cultural Club Athenian Runners

Image by Urban music

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