TRIBE Freedom Foundation

Established in March 2017, The TRIBE Freedom Foundation was inspired by a Run for Love. It is the product of two phenomenal transcontinental journeys and the brainchild of the TRIBE community.
In 2013, Tom, Guy and Rob completed the first Run for Love – a 1,000 mile run across Europe from Odessa (Ukraine) to Dubrovnik (Croatia) to fight child trafficking. More than 250 runners joined them and together they raised over £250,000 to set up the first home for trafficked children in the UK.
The TRIBE community established the Foundation to continue the journey they started in Odessa in 2013; to end modern slavery.
An estimated 40.3 million people are living in slavery globally. This means there are 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the world. There is no typical victim of slavery – victims are of all genders and all ages, ethnicities and nationalities.
Modern slavery is an umbrella term encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Victims of modern slavery are unable to leave their situation of exploitation – controlled by threats, punishment, violence, coercion and deception. They are commodified for the purpose of exploitation and financial gain. Slavery violates human rights, denying people of their right to life, freedom and security.
TRIBE Hike for Freedom: Fitness and Wellness programme is a structured six-month programme of fitness and outdoor activities helping survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking to improve their well-being and regain their freedom through fitness and nature. By working with multiple project partners, the project also aims to increase cross-charity collaboration to enhance wider long term support for survivors of modern slavery.
In 2019, we conducted a pilot walking group with the Helen Bamber Foundation. Together, 15 women took part in the monthly training walks, culminating in the Hike For Freedom: Three Peaks Challenge. The project gave them the opportunity to rediscover their inner strength and recognise their capabilities.
“People have told me ‘you can’t do this’, ‘you can’t achieve this’, ‘you’re not this’, ‘you’re not that’, but after today, nobody will tell me ‘you can’t do this’ or ‘you can’t achieve this’. This has topped it all for me.” — Hike for Freedom Participant
Watch the video here for an insight to the pilot project and its incredible impact.
Image by Henning Westerkamp
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