Superhero Foundation

Founder: Jamie McDonald

As a child, Jamie McDonald spent the first nine years of his life in and out of hospital with a rare spinal condition, syringomyelia. In 2012, Jamie began an adventurous fundraising quest to give back to the hospitals that helped him as a child by cycling 14,000 miles from Bangkok, Thailand, to Gloucester, UK.

In 2014, Jamie founded a charity, called Superhero Foundation, empowering real-life Superheroes to change & save lives.

It’s a crowdfunding platform that supports families fundraising mission who are looking for treatment that the NHS unfortunately can’t provide. Jamie believes that everyone has the potential to become a superhero, sometimes all that’s needed is a little helping hand.

The platform supports individuals who want to take on their own physical challenge to inspire people to donate.

Their expert support team provides mentoring which includes social media and publicity support to enable these heroes in-the-making to move beyond the limits of their physical and mental capability.

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