Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
World care

We’re Campaign Against Living Miserably and we’re united against suicide.
Every week in the UK 125 people take their own lives; 125 individuals who couldn’t see a way out.
But at CALM, we believe there is always hope, always a reason for living. That’s why we’ve launched Stay – to show you that things can change, no matter how you feel right now. That there’s always a way forward.
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Running the Americas - Jamie Ramsay
Aug 15, 2014
London, UK
Jan 11, 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jamie Ramsay had a good job but one that, despite promotions, did not fulfill him in any way. “The more I resented my job, the more my life started to become unhappy. I realized I needed to make some changes and Running the Americas was that adventure,” he says. His solo & unsupported adventure took him from Vancouver, Canada to Buenos Aires, Argentina, pushing all he needed (camping gear, cooker, food, water, clothes, shoes) in a baby stroller. Jamie crossed Canada, USA, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina before flying back...
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