Sponsor Footsteps to Inspire per country

Type of opportunity: Sponsor
Start country: South Africa
Finish: South Africa
Start date: Apr 14, 2018
End date: Jul 18, 2026
Commitment: 7 per country
Duration/days: 7 per country
Application deadline:
Publication: Apr 10, 2023
On 18 July 2016, Claire McFarlane set off from South Africa with the goal to run 3500 kilometres of beach across 230 countries to promote peace and inspire change for survivors of sexual violence. It’s called Footsteps To Inspire. I have been able to maintain a budget of US$1,200 per country. You can choose to help me reach:
  • 1 country (US$1,200)
  • a block of countries (10 countries = US$12,000) or
  • help me complete all remaining countries
Program per country
  • Day 1 to 3 are spent talking with local NGOs, services, community groups and survivors to share stories and understand what the issues, complexities, cultural concerns, difficulties and hopes are for survivors in each country. I also attend speaking engagements and have presented at conferences, foreign embassies, NGOs, police, legal institutions and fundraising events. Time is allocated for interviews with media (radio, television, newspaper).
  • Day 4 is a travel day to the beach, preparation for the run and finalizing details if others are joining me for the run.
  • Day 5 is the Footsteps To Inspire run. It is different in each country and I try to make sure it is on a weekend so people can join me.
  • Day 6 and 7 are for recovery, further discussions and finalizing any last arrangements before moving on to the next country.
  • Depending on the country, the program can take shape on the ground when people find out I’m there and want to be part of movement. It can get intense and sometimes I have to factor in a few extra days of recovery.
How is this collaboration a good fit?
  • Footsteps To Inspire offers a meaningful sponsorship and investment opportunity that can make a difference, both socially and economically.
  • I have listed a few but many more could be customized to showcase your business or brand in line with your specific marketing vision.
  • Your contribution will make a vital impact to the achievement of Footsteps To Inspire and its goals.
  • My aim will be to ensure that our partnership is highly successful, seamless and hassle-free.

Your options:

sponsor 1 country (US$1,200)
sponsor a block of countries (US$1,200 per country)
sponsor all remaining countries (US$1,200 per country)

What you can expect:

Exclusivity: Opportunity to be an exclusive sponsor based on the level of contribution.
Visibility and Recognition: Promotion and engagement with a cross-section of clientele in existing and new markets (over 200 countries).
Credibility: Be part of an initiative that has already created widespread appeal locally and internationally.
Media Focus: Strong established media presence in South Africa and internationally.
Marketing and creative strategies: Exclusive written, video and photo content with permission to use across multiple communication channels. Strong digital media content ideas.
Meaningful Value-Add: My input to knowledge share, provide workshops and keynote speak for internal and external purposes. Opportunity for your staf and clients to join the movement and benefit from its message.
Risk Offset: Staggered payments based on successful completion of pre-determined stages to minimise exposure.
Globally relevant: Promote a positive female role model showing people around the world that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve greatness.
Longevity: possibility to partner for the duration of the initiative and be part of future projects (5 years or more).
Most importantly, assured professionalism and ease of dealing.


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